Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive technique that helps to reduce inflammation, lift, shape and smooth the treated areas. Vacuum therapy is a treatment, which uses suction cups that are connected to a special machine that produces collagen, detoxifies, and boosts elasticity in the skin.
Treatment also increasing lymphatic flow to remove toxins and water retention. The buttock lift - without surgery - is an exclusive technique, no fat injection is needed to obtain a fuller appearance.
Buttock Augmentation Benefits
- Enlarges and firms the buttocks without surgery.
- Improves lymphatic flow.
- Increases elasticity of the skin.
- Exfoliates the epidermis for smoother skin.
- Stimulates the dermis and hypodermis.
- Decreases muscle tendon
- Stimulates muscles, breaks down cellulite and fatty deposits eliminates toxins.
Who Qualifies? Male/female. Must be over 18.
Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Varicose Veins, Kidney failure, Heart Disease, Fever, Skin Infections, Skin sensitivity or rash, open wounds and inflammation, Myocardial Infraction, Acute Blood Pressure Disorders, Cardio circulatory Decompensation, Lymphangitis, Neoplasms, Autoimmune Deficiency Disorders, Thrombophlebitis/Phlebothrombosis.